The Best Digestive Enzyme to Prevent Distention After Meals
As silly as it sounds, Beano is actually a very capable, sophisticated product. Beano is bottled, commercially marketed alpha-galactosidase--a digestive enzyme central to breaking down complex carbohydrates. Of course, beans complex carbohydrates that challenge many people's digestive systems--hence the name Beano.
When we ingest complex carbohydrates like beans, corn, and potatoes, our bodies use alpha-galactosidase to simplify them into glucose and galactose--the simple sugars we use for energy. If complex carbohydrates make it through to the large intestine without being broken down, the carbohydrates ferment and produce hydrogen, carbon dioxide and short-chain fatty acids. The symptoms that result include discomfort, bloating and distention.
Some people simply don't produce as much alpha-galactosidase as others. And some meals require more alpha-galactosidase than others. The simple solution--consume more enzyme when eating. And that's where Beano comes in. You can find Beano in supermarkets, drugstores and natural food stores.
Lactaid and Dairy Ease
Lactase is another digestive enzyme that can help prevent bloating and distention. Some people have a difficult time breaking down lactose, a carbohydrate in many dairy products. This condition is known as lactose intolerance. Again, adding supplemental digestive enzyme at the time of consuming food--in this case dairy products--can make a tremendous impact.
Lactaid, Dairy Ease and other lactase products are widely available in drugstores and natural food stores. Lactaid milk, which is pre-treated with Lactase, is also fairly common in the dairy case in major supermarket chains.
Other Factors
People who suffer from bloating and distention regularly may have complex carbohydrate intolerance. It can have several causes and enzymes are only one aspect of treatment. Medications as well as lifestyle and diet changes may also be appropriate and more effective solutions for CCI.
Additionally, bloating and distention may be the result of more acute conditions like peptic ulcers, stomach cancer and even heart attacks. Enzymes are not equipped to address these serious problems.
Those who find themselves suffering frequent distention should consult a qualified physician.