Candida Fungus Removal
If you are trying to get rid of candida, you need to eliminate or severely limit your intake of gluten and sugar (candida thrives on these substances). This can be a challenge because most commercial foods such as bread, pasta, cereal and milk contain gluten. Wheat has more gluten than any other food. If you like these items in your diet, there are brown rice substitutes available. You can also continue to eat meat, vegetables, legumes (beans), brown rice, eggs, potatoes, yams, some nuts and certain grains such as millet, buckwheat and hominy. Vegetables contain digestive enzymes that can kill excess candida in your system. Stay on this diet for at least a week beyond when your symptoms disappear.
Probiotics, Foods and Supplements
Probiotics are "friendly" bacteria that can help replenish your body's natural bacteria in the colon and digestive tract. These bacteria in the body are eroded when candida proliferates in the body. Probiotics can kill the excess candida fungus and parasites. Garlic is also known to have anti-fungal properties. Eat two to three cloves of garlic per day while on your candida diets. Other foods, herbs and spices that can help remove candida include ginger, cayenne pepper, virgin coconut oil, senna, tree tea oil, Pau d'Arco tea, tree tea oil and aloe vera leaves. The latter can actually heal the lining of the colon after you get rid of candida overgrowth.
Colon Cleanses
Though other methods can help eliminate excess candida, you should consider doing a colon cleanse. You can either use a colon cleansing kit or undergo colonic irrigation. Colon cleansing kits come in powder or syrup form. They contain mixtures of foods and herbs (some listed above) that kill systemic candida overgrowth and parasites. A colon cleansing kit program is designed to last one month. Colonic irrigation is the process of flushing all areas of the large intestines (colon) with ozonated water. This method can be highly effective in removing fecal impactions that collect along the colon walls because of inflammation of the mucus membrane. Often, candida, parasites and toxins are harbored in this area. Colon irrigation (colonics) is usually administered by a licensed colon hydrotherapist, though home units are available.