How to Take Threelac
How to Take Threelac
Take one of the 60 packets that come in each container of Threelac. The suggested initial dosage is one packet per day. Open the packet and let the contents dissolve completely in the mouth, then drink four to six ounces of water. Take it right before or directly after a meal, as food assists in transporting Threelac to the small intestine.
Increase your fiber intake for the first several weeks that you take Threelac. It is important to cleanse the bowels and eliminate deceased yeast. When taking fiber, it is important to drink plenty of water. Take fiber on an empty stomach.
Gradually work up to two packets a day. If you begin to feel fatigued or sluggish, a high level of dead yeast and toxins may be sitting in the small intestine. Make sure that your bowel movements are regular, evacuating these toxins. In the event that constipation occurs, take three tablespoons of mineral oil, three nights in a row.