How to Cure Above Normal Amounts of Stomach Acid
Undoing this vicious cycle takes work, but it's well worth the reward.
Overcome Heartburn for Good
The overproduction of stomach acid is often a result of the ongoing use of prescription medication for heartburn or acid reflux disease. Most prescription heartburn medications neutralize stomach acid. Your body's response is to work harder to produce more stomach acid. If you're on a prescription medication for acid reflux disease, don't stop taking it abruptly. A sudden stop can lead to a lot of discomfort. When you quit taking your prescription, the over-production of stomach acid continues on, causing severe heartburn. Most people go back on their medication rather than deal with such discomfort.
Stop taking over-the-counter antacids. They neutralize the acid in your stomach, but the long-term consequence is a weaker muscle at the top of your stomach. That leads to heartburn and the feeling that your stomach is over-acidic.
Pay attention to the foods that give you the most discomfort. While you work to restore balance to your stomach-acid levels, avoid any trigger foods. Taking this step will help you to reduce your use of overt-the-counter antacids.
Begin taking supplements that support proper stomach-acid production. Try acidophilus, which relieves heartburn and indigestion without disrupting the balance of your stomach-acid production. Another good supplement is d-limonene, which is derived from orange peels. Take d-limonene every other day for three weeks to restore proper balance to your stomach-acid levels.
Once you've weaned yourself from over-the-counter antacids, talk to your doctor about discontinuing your prescription heartburn medication. Work with your doctor to form a plan to gradually decrease your use of prescription heartburn drugs so you can avoid complications and discomfort as much as possible.
Treat any future heartburn flare-ups with acidophilus to avoid falling back into dependence on prescription or over-the-counter antacid medicines.