How to Get Rid of Excessive Stomach Gas
Know your triggers. Pinpoint foods that produce stomach gas by keeping a food journal or diary. Write down your meals and note symptoms that develop shortly after eating so you can identify your triggers and avoid these foods. Common gas-producing foods include lettuce, cauliflower, cabbage, beans and red meats.
Stay away from carbonated drinks such as sodas to reduce bloating. Limit your consumption to prevent excess gas and pain.
Watch your dairy intake. Dairy products like milk, yogurt and ice cream can bring on gas. Decrease your consumption to stop symptoms, or experiment with a digestive enzyme tablet to help you digest the sugar in lactose and prevent gas.
Get rid of constipation. Manage stomach gas by increasing the frequency of your bowel movements. Take a fiber supplement to soften and regulate stools. Supplements are available in capsules, liquids and powders.
Exercise regularly. Make time for physical activity to promote a healthy digestive tract and relieve excess stomach gas. Thirty minutes of daily exercise is adequate to promote intestinal movement and reduce bloating.
Eat slowly. Practice eating and chewing slowly to reduce the amount of air that enters the stomach. Air in the stomach can trigger painful stomach gas.
Treat gas with medication. For a quick gas remedy, take an over-the-counter remedy to reduce cramping and bloating.