Diet for GERD Sufferers
Avoid Acidic Fruits
Certain foods of certain acidity can increase stomach acid and heartburn, especially in those with GERD. Limit or avoid highly acidic foods like oranges, lemons and citrus fruits, tomato-based products, as well as garlic and onions.
Say No to Fast Food
Quit eating fast food, including all foods high in salt, grease and fat. These foods are hard for the stomach to digest and can cause an increase in acid production. Stick to lighter foods and eat at home where you can prepare healthier foods. For example, use olive oil instead of butter, and grill instead of frying your food.
Refrain From Alcohol
Alcohol is detrimental to the stomach lining, which can increase acid production. Limit alcohol intake and stick to lighter, watered-down beverages that will be less bothersome to the stomach. Stay away from caffeine as it can harm the stomach much like alcohol.
Change When and How You Eat
Eat smaller meals throughout the day as opposed to three large meals. Overfilling yourself can cause heartburn and indigestion, so stick to six or seven small meals. Do no eat right before laying down, as the position will allow stomach acid to come back up more easily.
Eat Lean Meats
Meats high in fat can increase acid production and heartburn, so stick to lean protein-packed meats that will help keep GERD symptoms at bay. Good meats for GERD sufferers are skinless chicken, turkey, lean beef and white fishes. Look for the word lean on the label to ensure you are getting the lowest-fat content possible.
Additional Tips
Keep a food journal of everything you eat, noting any foods that trigger GERD and avoid them. Talk to your doctor about medications that can help curb GERD symptoms and allow for more dietary freedom. If you are a smoker, cut back or quit, as smoking increases GERD symptoms. Cut back on high-fat dairy products as well.