How to Combat Flatulence
Things You'll Need
- Asafoetida
- Caraway
- Ginger
- Turmeric
- Probiotics
Cut milk and anything with lactose out of your diet for a week and see if your flatulence subsides. Many people lose the ability to break down this milk sugar as they get older, which causes flatulence.
Use rice in place of other starchy foods. Potatoes, pasta, bread and corn all release gas as your body digests them. Fortunately, rice doesn't.
Reduce your consumption of fruits. Fruits have sugars and soluble fiber in them, both of which can contribute to flatulence.
Avoid other common gas triggers such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, broccolli and onions. Notice if any of the other foods you eat seem to trigger outbreaks of gas.
Take natural, flatulence-fighting herbs. Asafoetida, caraway, ginger and turmeric have all been taken to combat flatulence problems.
Take probiotics. Probiotics are supplements that contain bacteria that live naturally in your gut and help your body to break down food. If these bacteria become depleted, it can cause flatulence and other digestive problems.
Have a doctor give you a complete medical workup and a food-allergy test. Chronic flatulence can be the result of food allergies or sensitivities, an infection or an underlying medical condition such as irritable bowel syndrome.