Natural Ways to Kill Parasites
Raw Vegetable Juices
Blending certain vegetables and drinking their juices can help you get rid of parasites. You can eat vegetables, too, but juicing ensures a higher absorption rate of vital nutrients. Antioxidants from vegetables promote phagocytosis. This is the process of white blood cells cleaning the blood and eliminating unbalanced cells (those containing parasites and their toxins). Digestive enzymes in vegetables can also kill excess candida and parasites. You can juice a variety of vegetables including celery, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers and spinach. Clean your raw vegetables before you blend them, as they may contain parasites. A simple mixture of vinegar and water will suffice.
Foods and Herbs
Garlic is believed by some to be effective in killing parasites as well as their eggs in your body. Garlic also acts as an antiseptic which can heal any inflammation in the colon or digestive tract from the parasitic invasion. Garlic is also a powerful antioxidant which can prevent oxidation in body cells caused by the parasites' toxins. Eat several cloves of garlic per day to eliminate parasites from your body. Dried cloves can also be effective in killing parasites.
Pau d'Arco tea is an ancient herb that can also be used to kill parasites. You can purchase it at your local health food store in either bark or pill form. You will need to boil the bark in water and drink it. Pau d'Arco can also build your immunity and help prevent future parasite problems. If you are using the bark, start with a half cup per day, then gradually work your way up to four full cups a day.
Yogurt and Buttermilk
Yogurt and buttermilk have probiotics, which are "friendly" bacteria or cultures. These microorganisms can help replenish the body's natural bacteria, which are usually in a state of erosion when parasites have invaded your body. Probiotics in both of these foods can kill excess candida and parasites. Drink 125 ml of buttermilk with 2 g of Sprague powder if you have parasites. Do this for three to seven days along with the garlic, vegetable juices and Pau d'Arco.