How to Kill Pylori Bacteria

The cause of most ulcers is a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This germ can even lead to stomach cancer. The use of just one medication to treat H. pylori is not recommended. Instead, a triple therapy is used, with two antibiotics to kill the bacteria, and a third medicine that either reduces acid production or protects the stomach lining. This last part is needed in order for the ulcer itself to heal, a place that the H. pylori made into its own haven by corkscrewing deep into the flesh to escape the stomach's acid.


    • 1

      Find a doctor that understands the connection between H. pylori and ulcers. Not all ulcers are caused by H. pylori, but most of them are. This fact is not necessarily widely known, so don't assume your doctor will consider antibiotics.

    • 2

      Take two types of antibiotic, not just one. This reduces the chance of a drug-resistant strain from surviving and an ulcer recurrence.

    • 3

      Continue the triple therapy for two weeks; however, some preliminary studies suggest that a 1-week triple therapy is as effective, with fewer side effects.

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