Alternative Medicines for Diverticulitis
Diverticulitis can be quite painful. Symptoms present as abdominal cramps or pain, fever, nausea, and a dramatic change in your bowel habits. When these pockets rupture, or burst open, fecal waste is released into the abdominal cavity and can be life-threatening.
See Resources for an artist's diagram and photo images of a colon affected by diverticulitis.
The primary, and almost exclusive cause, of diverticulitis is constipation. The colon is not moving properly, and fecal waste just sits in the large intestines, rotting and weakening the colon. The first thing a person should do to treat diverticulitis is simply to increase the amount of water consumed every day. The recommended daily amount of water to drink every day is half your body weight in oz. of water. This means that if you weigh 180 lb., you should drink 90 oz. of water every day. That is about three-fourths of a gallon of water as a minimum. If you weigh 120 lb., you should drink at least 60 oz. of water every day, or just under a half gallon.
Juice fasting
The second thing to do to remedy diverticulitis is to radically change your diet. The Mayo Clinic, naturopaths and herbalists all recommend a liquid diet during the healing period, which can possibly last for several months. The Mayo Clinic recommends broths, sodas, juice, ice pops, gelatin and unsweetened teas, while naturopaths suggest a juice-only fast of fresh, homemade juice made from organic fruit and vegetables.
Colon Cleansing
While juice fasting, a thorough colon cleanse is recommended to remove the old fecal material out of the main bowel cavity and all of the diverticula. A gentle and safe colon cleanse, done for several months, is the most effective way to remove old waste.
There are two parts to a good bowel cleansing product. First, herbal capsules can be taken to stimulate the action of the large intestines. Many times, the individual with diverticulitis has a colon that has become weak through years of inactivity due to constipation. The capsules are increased one per night, until three to five bowel movements are achieved ever single day. It is necessary for the bowels to move this often in order to keep fecal material from getting "stuck" in the colon.
The second part of an effective colon cleanse is a powder made from bentonite clay, activated charcoal, psyllium husks and other herbs added to actually soothe and repair the walls of the colon. This powder is stirred into juice or water and consumed as a "shake" several times a day. The ingredients act as a magnet or vacuum to draw the old toxic waste away from the intestinal walls, while the action of the herbal capsules help move the waste material out of the body.
Lifestyle changes
Once the juice fasting and cleansing is over, a new lifestyle must be adopted, or the diverticulitis will most likely return. A mostly vegan/vegetarian diet, with lots of fresh, raw, and uncooked fruits and vegetables, is highly recommended. Completely give up all fried and fatty foods, fast foods, white sugar and white flour products, such as bakery goods, white bread and white flour pasta. If you choose to eat meat, choose poultry and fish, and completel eliminate red meat. Begin a daily exercise workout routine, such as brisk walking, running, biking, swimming or dancing. Give up tobacco and alcohol. Eliminate stress on the job and in relationships, and have more fun.
Please understand that the above statements have not been evaluated by or approved by the FDA, and are for education purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, cure, heal, treat or aid any disease. Please seek out a trusted health care professional before attempting any form of self-care.