How to Kill Parasites in the Gut
Things You'll Need
- Wormwood
- Black walnut tincture
- Cloves
- Enema bag
Consult your doctor before beginning any intestinal parasite elimination program.
Eliminate all sugar, simple carbohydrates, fruit and pork products from your diet for at least the duration of your cleanse. Many intestinal parasites come from pork and they feed on sugars.
Take black walnut tincture, wormwood and cloves as directed on bottles for 10 days. These can be found at your local health food store or an online catalog. In her book, "The Cure for all Cancer," Dr. Hulda Clark states you will need to take all three to eliminate intestinal parasites and their eggs.
Perform a home enema halfway through your elimination process and just after you are finished. You may want to have a colonic instead, depending on your personal comfort.
Maintain healthy eating and good cleansing practices to keep intestinal parasites at bay.