What Diet to Eat for Membranous Colitis
Drinking water and other clear fluids is important to stay hydrated when you have diarrhea. These beverages should not contain caffeine, alcohol, citrus or carbonation. Water, apple or grape juice, herbal tea, bouillon or broth and sports drinks are beneficial.
Foods to Eat
Many bland foods can help relieve diarrhea symptoms. They include baked or boiled potatoes, pasta and noodles, rice, toast, soda crackers and bananas. Butter, sauces, gravy and any other condiments should be avoided. The Mayo Clinic recommends eating several small meals throughout the day, because more frequent meals promote more normal bowel movements.
Foods to Avoid
Dairy products should be avoided, according to the University of Michigan Health System. People with pseudomembranous colitis also should not eat high-fat, fried or spicy foods. High-fat foods include fatty meats such as bacon, sausage and poultry with the skin; whole milk and whole milk products; and certain processed entrees such as pot pies, casseroles and stews. When the condition gets better, you may cautiously begin adding back any foods not in the membranous colitis diet.