Does Similac Alimentum Treat Colic?

All newborns have periods during the day when they cry or seem especially fussy, typically between 6 p.m. and midnight. However, newborns with colic may cry inconsolably any time of the day due to intestinal discomfort. Whether your newborn is breastfed, taking only formula, or a combination of both, there are options that can help your newborn during her colic discomfort.
  1. Colic Identification

    • Newborns with colic experience periods of inconsolable crying.

      About one-fifth of newborns develop colic, experiencing inconsolable crying, screaming, extending or pulling up their legs and passing gas because of rapid and severe intestinal contractions. Crying spells can occur at any time but usually become worse in the evenings.

      Colic generally presents between the second and fourth weeks after birth and usually stops by 3 months of age. There is no definite explanation for what causes colic, however, it can be triggered by the mother's diet in breastfed babies or rarely by milk protein sensitivity in formula-fed babies.

    Protein Sensitivity

    • Newborns with protein sensitivity to milk- and soy-based infant formulas suffer from the typical colic symptoms. In addition, they can experience severe diarrhea, rashes and sleeping problems. If your baby is on formula or a combination of formula and breast milk, try switching to a hypoallergenic infant formula such as Similac Alimentum.

      According the National Dairy Council, the protein sensitivity occurs from a reaction caused by an abnormal immunologic response to one or more of the proteins in cow's milk. It is prevalent mainly in infants and young children and rarely persists in children older than age 3.

    Similac Alimentum

    • Similac Alimentum is a hypoallergenic infant formula produced by Abbott Laboratories for babies suffering from food allergies and colic due to the protein contained in milk- and soy-based infant formulas. According to, a clinical study showed Alimentum began reducing colic symptoms in most babies with protein sensitivity within 24 hours.

      Alimentum was introduced in 1989 and is designed to be easy for an infant to digest because the protein has been broken down into tiny pieces. It can be used in infants from birth to 12 months and contains iron, DHA and ARA for brain and eye development.

    Other Solutions

    • Swaddling may help your crying baby feel secure.

      While there is no cure, you can try to soothe your baby during her crying spells. Mothers breastfeeding their babies can eliminate irritating foods from their diet including milk products, caffeine, onions and cabbage. Rock her, run the vacuum in another room or carry her in a body carrier. The motion and noise may help her fall asleep. Rubbing her back while she lays tummy-down across your knees may reduce pain. Swaddling her may make her feel warm and secure during fussy periods.


    • Consult your pediatrician if your newborn demonstrates crying and fussy periods that do not improve to determine if she has colic or an underlying medical condition. Excessive crying can be frustrating, especially when you cannot calm your newborn. If you are struggling, have a family member care for your newborn while you take some time to regroup and calm yourself.

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