Homeopathic Remedies for Stomach Problems
Bishop's weed
Bishop's weed has been shown to treat burning sensations in the stomach and cure abdominal problems in children. To use bishop's weed, you need to crush the seeds and add salt. Inhale the steam of these ingredients by mixing them with boiling water.To produce stronger fumes, you can add dried coconut shells to the mix.
Caraway Seeds
Caraway seeds help with digestion and gas in the stomach. You can either chew the seeds after dinner, or use the seeds to make tea. To make caraway seed tea, place one teaspoon of seeds into a cup and add boiling water. Cover the cup and let it sit for 10 minutes. You can drink up to three cups a day on an empty stomach to relieve stomach pain.
Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is responsible for curing all types of stomach ailments by helping food flow smoothly through the digestive tract. This allows your body to absorb nutrients and is particularly effective against gas and nausea. To make ginger tea, you need half a cup of fresh ginger, some honey and three cups of water. Place the ginger and water into a saucepan and boil, strain the water after 10 minutes and add honey for taste.
Nux vomica
Nux vomica is able to calm the stomach after symptoms of overeating, food poisoning or drinking too much alcohol. These activities can often cause bloating, heartburn, constipation or flatulence. This homeopathic remedy deals with nausea that is aggravated by motion or flu-like symptoms.