Acute Abdominal Pain Home Remedies
When to Treat at Home
If your abdominal pain has arisen suddenly, your first instinct may be to treat it with a home remedy. There are a number of home remedies suitable for abdominal pain, some of which act relatively quickly and will resolve the problem. However, if the pain persists for more than 24 hours or is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, vomiting, headache, severe diarrhea or dizzy spells, seek medical advice immediately.
Stomach Pain
If you are experiencing stomach pain caused by bloating, increased acid levels, a peptic ulcer or motion sickness, there are a number of herbal remedies that are known to be effective in reducing symptoms. Peppermint and fennel teas--either separately or in combination--can ease bloating and flatulence, sooth heartburn and reduce pain from cramping. Because these herbs contain oils that soothe the lining of the digestive tract, they also help promote healthy digestion. Ginger has anti-inflammatory effects and well as a soothing effect on the stomach lining and is good for reducing symptoms of abdominal cramping and motion sickness.
Colon Discomfort
If you are suffering from lower abdominal pain, this may be due to a build-up of waste material in your colon. Flax and fennel seed are both useful for treating this type of pain, as they reduce inflammation of the colon, improve transit time, strengthen the digestive system and reduce flatulence. Licorice root can also ease lower abdominal pain because it reduces inflammation and helps to heal damaged tissue within the digestive tract. Licorice also helps the liver process and eliminate toxins. Psyllium husk powder or capsules may also be beneficial for the relief of abdominal pain caused by constipation. Psyllium is a soluble dietary fiber that bulks up the stool and gently helps waste materials pass through the colon. Psyllium should be taken with plenty of water.