Home Remedy for Belly Ache
The correct herbal mix can provide a quick cure for a belly ache. Using half a cup of water, add to it 1 tsp. of mint juice, 1 tsp. of lime juice, a few drops of ginger juice and a pinch of black salt. Drink this mixture slowly to deal with stomach pain.
A remedy from Iloveindia.com involves adding 2 tsp. of lemon juice and 1 gm of rock salt powder to 50 ml of water. Mix well and drink slowly three times a day.
Boil mint in water for 10 minutes to use as tea. You can add lemon juice and honey to the tea to help relieve the ache. Chamomile tea can have a calming effect on the stomach. Steep the herb for about 10 to 15 minutes in boiled water for a strong tea. Drink two to three cups of chamomile tea daily.
Peppermint is another belly ache remedy, but it can also irritate the stomach lining, so don't drink it as often as chamomile tea. According to the Reader's Digest book, "Curing Everyday Ailments the Natural Way," both teas help relax the intestines to improve digestion.
Natural-HomeRemedies.org states that although carbonated drinks can cause indigestion, they may provide relief from pain and discomfort for some people.
Wellness Talk, recommends using coriander seeds to treat a belly ache. Eat 1 tbsp of coriander seeds after you've eaten meals. Eating raw parsley can reduce aches and indigestion. According to "Curing Everyday Ailments the Natural Way," parsley also can be used to make a tea to help relax the intestine muscles and alleviate cramping.
Eating more fruits and green, leafy vegetables will promote healthier digestion and fewer belly aches. Eating yogurt can also help an upset stomach. Yogurt has bacteria cultures that improve digestion.
There are also some things you can do to prevent abdominal aches. Avoid overeating or eating too quickly. Instead of eating big meals, eat several small meals throughout the day and allow yourself 20 minutes to slowly eat your food. Drink more water and eat more fruits and green, leafy vegetables. Never lie down immediately after you've eaten a meal. Allow between 45 minutes and an hour before you lie down.
If you experience abdominal pain for three or more days, you should visit your doctor. Abdominal pain can be caused by more than just indigestion. The pain can be the result of food poisoning, ulcers, urinary tract infections, hernia, appendicitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, or kidney stones.