Remedy for Gallstones
Lifestyle Changes
Reducing the risk of developing gallstones will prevent the onset of gallbladder pain. Maintain a healthy weight, as obesity is one of the primary risk factors for gallstone development. Begin a low-fat, high-fiber diet that includes a variety of vegetables and fruit to minimize the formation of additional gallstones. Healthy unsaturated fats such as those found in nuts and fish should also be added to your eating plan. According to the Mayo Clinic, people who do not consume a sufficient amount of calcium or vitamins C and E have a higher risk of developing gallstones. Discuss the benefits of nutritional supplements and vitamins with your health care provider prior to adding them to your wellness routine.
Medical Treatment
Oral medications are sometimes used to dissolve gallstones and reduce gallbladder pain for those who are unable to tolerate surgery. Urso, for example, reduces the amount of cholesterol present within bile. This in turn dissolves the cholesterol present within the actual gallstones. Urso, however, is only effective with gallstones composed of cholesterol that are smaller than 1.5 cm in diameter. Medical treatment may take up to 2 years to dissolve gallstones. They may recur once the treatment is finished.
The gallbladder is often surgically removed to relieve the symptoms of gallstones and prevent complications. Since the gallbladder is not a vital organ, surgery is the most common treatment for gallstones once they are symptomatic. After surgery, the bile formerly stored in the gallbladder flows directly from the liver to the small intestine. Its removal does not impact the ability to effectively digest food.
Modern surgical advances have revolutionized gallstone treatment. Historically, gallbladder removal through an open cholecystectomy was the standard procedure. This type of surgery was painful and involved a lengthy recovery period. The current preferred method is a laparascopic cholecystectomy, a minimally invasive procedure that uses several smaller surgical incisions. With the laparascopic procedure, a patient typically has his gallbladder removed and is sent home a few hours after the surgery.