What to Do for Abdominal Gas Pains?
Change The Way You Eat
If you find yourself with constant gas pains, it may be the manner in which you eat. Eat smaller meals instead of your regular three. Choose less fatty foods and less dairy. A significant amount of abdominal gas pain can indicate lactose intolerance. In addition to what you put in, pay attention to how it gets there. Are you wolfing down burgers in 30 seconds flat? If so, you will want to start chewing your food. Put the sandwich down between bites. Candy, chewing gum and drinking straws can also increase the amount of gas because they increase the amount of air you swallow.
Slow Down
Excessive stress, constant moving around and eating on the run all contribute to gas production. Reduce stress through exercise, and take time to sit down and enjoy the meal, instead of tasting it in passing.
Over The Counter Relief
Several remedies are available to help alleviate symptoms of indigestion. Products such as Beano, Lactaid and charcoal tablets can help to reduce the amount of gas caused by fiber or dairy intake. Antacids and Simethicone products can also alleviate gas pains by breaking up gas bubbles.
More Help
If abdominal gas is a recurring problem, and the pain is severe, it's time to go see your physician. The gas pains may be caused by an underlying problem, or may not actually be gas pains. Allow your doctor to diagnose the problems and administer the appropriate remedy.