Low-Fat High Fiber Diet for Gall Bladder Disease
Gallbladder Function
The gallbladder, a small, pear-shaped gland under the liver, serves an important role in the digestive process. After it is produced in the liver, bile is stored in the gallbladder until it is needed by the small intestine to digest food, particularly food high in fat. If bile is unable to travel to the small intestine, digestion of food and its nutrients is significantly impaired. A high-fiber, low-fat diet is a good tool to prevent the further development of gallbladder disease as the gallbladder does not have to work as hard to help in the digestive process. Reducing the amount of fatty foods also alleviates the inflammation and pain associated with the inability of bile to travel to the small intestine.
Low-Fat, High-Fiber Diet
Reduce your dietary fat to less than 30 percent of your daily caloric intake. Limit the amount of fat in your protein sources. Opt for fish, poultry and lean meats. Grill or bake food instead of frying it. Replace high-fat cakes, processed foods and ice cream, simple sugars, whole dairy products and refined carbohydrates with healthier alternatives such as non-fat yogurt, skim milk, sherbet and angel food cake. Add both the water-soluble fibers from fruits and vegetables to help your digestive system function efficiently and the insoluble fibers in whole-grain breads, pastas and cereals. and brown rice. Stay away from grain products described on the packaging as "enriched."
Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements
Consider supplementing your low-fat, high-fiber diet to be sure that you are absorbing sufficient vitamins and minerals. Anti-oxidant vitamins A, C, and E, and calcium may decrease the progression of gallbladder disease. Discuss adding supplements to your wellness routine with your attending physician.