Excessive Flatulence in Menopause
Flatulence, along with abdominal discomfort, bloating and belching, is caused by an excess of gas in the stomach or intestines. It can be painful as well as socially embarrassing.
The Facts
Gas is a normal byproduct of digestion, and passing gas through belching or the rectum generally occurs about 15 times a day. Excess gas is caused by the body's inability to digest certain carbohydrates found in many foods or by swallowing too much air as you chew or drink.
Experts are unsure whether excessive flatulence and bloating during menopause is caused by aging or hormonal shifts. Some experts believe the problem is related to diet as some 60 percent of menopausal women report eating more fruits and vegetables, which can increase gas production.
It's not necessary to eliminate healthy foods to reduce gas. Digestive aids that contain an enzyme to break down complex sugars are one solution, along with controlling lactose intolerance and avoiding carbonated drinks.
Flatulence is a normal function, but when combined with other symptoms, such as abdominal pain and swelling, diarrhea or vomiting, it is important to seek medical attention.