Epsom Salt & Olive Oil Liver Detox
The pectin in apple juice flattens and softens liver and gall bladder stones and aids their passages through the bile ducts in your liver. Drink freshly-squeezed apple juice for three days before you begin the Epsom salt and olive oil liver detox. It is best to invest in a good juicer and juice fresh, organic apples yourself. Purchase several bags of apples, enough to make at least one quart of freshly squeezed apple juice per day. If you do not have a juicer, purchase raw, unfiltered apple juice from a health food store or organic supermarket. Also purchase one bag of Epsom salts, one small bottle of cold pressed light virgin olive oil, one bag of fresh lemons or several large grapefruits and a jar with a plastic lid. Purchase Vitamin C powder for taste, if desired, and purchase Ornithine, an amino acid supplement that helps you sleep, from a health food store or online herbal retailer, if desired.
It is best to drink only apple juice and filtered water for the three days before your cleanse. If you must eat, confine yourself to small raw fruit and vegetable salads without dressing. The raw food regimen empties food from your intestines and makes the liver detox more efficient.
Detox Days
Prepare to go to the bathroom several dozen times daily during the detox. Go as frequently as you need to, whenever you feel the urge.
Take no vitamins, herbs or prescription medication that you do not need for the day. Eat a light, fruit breakfast and hot cereal lunch without any dairy products. Do not eat anything after 2 pm. At 2 pm, stir 4 heaping tsp. Epsom salts into 3 cups of water. Add 1/2 tsp. of the Vitamin C powder, if desired. Mix thoroughly and pour into the jar. Refrigerate until 6 pm. Take a rectal enema with distilled water before 4 pm, if desired.
Drink 3/4 cup of the mixture at 6 and 8 pm. Add 1/8 tsp. of Vitamin C for flavor with both servings, if desired. At 9:45 pm, juice enough grapefruits or lemons for 3/4 cup of juice. Add 3/4 cup olive oil to the juice. Mix thoroughly and drink at 10 pm. Evacuate your bowels before you drink the mixture, if needed. Take four to eight Ornithine capsules with the mixture, if desired.
Lie down on your right side and curl up into the fetal position for at least one half hour. Turn on your back after thirty minutes, if desired, and go to sleep for the night. When you awake, take a 3/4 cup dose of the Epsom salt mixture. Do not take the mixture before 6 am. Go back to bed and then take the last dose of the Epsom salts exactly two hours later. Lie down for two more hours and then get up to eat. Start with fruit juice, then follow with raw fruit. After a few hours eat a light, uncooked meal and rest for the remainder of the day.