Safety of Gallstone Flush
Gallbladder flushes generally include a cup to one pint of olive oil mixed with citrus juice, consumed at once to flush the stones from the digestive tract. The fat content of the oil speeds it through the digestive tract, and supporters of the diet claim that it helps to remove stones from the gall bladder through bowel movements.
Aside from people who may have dietary reasons to abstain from large amounts of olive oil, such as diabetics, the flushes are very safe.
While many websites and books claim that the flush pushes out stones that float, gall stones are very dense and do not float. It is feasible that flushes do remove gallstones, but no official studies have been performed.
The gall bladder contracts to allow bile from the liver to enter the small intestine, where the bile helps to break down fat. When fats can't be broken down because there's not enough bile to process it, or when the gallbladder malfunctions and can't empty, gallstones can be formed.
Consult a Doctor
It's important to see a doctor if gallbladder attacks are frequent. Emergency care might be needed if a fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice or light-colored stools are present.