Colon & Parisite Cleaning

People who undergo colon and parasite cleaning have usually been diagnosed with an overgrowth of candida albicans, a fungus and yeast that lives naturally in the digestive tract and colon. This fungus overgrowth can cause a number of symptoms, such as migraines, food allergies, skin hives and even certain autoimmune diseases (i.e., fibromyalgia). A cleaning helps eradicate the excess candida overgrowth and parasites (i.e., protozoa and nematodes like pinworms) by killing them off through colon cleanses, dietary changes and supplements.
  1. Types of Colon Cleanses

    • Parasites typically enter the colon after your body's natural bacteria has been eroded by the excess of candida albicans. The candida also produce toxins as your body's defenses try to fight them off. These entities can be removed from the colon and digestive tract by either using colon cleansing kits or colonic irrigation. Colon cleansers usually contain a combination of herbs and foods that help kill the fungus and parasites (i.e., senna and garlic). These substances usually come in powder or syrup form and can be mixed with water. Colonic irrigation is typically administered by a licensed colon hydrotherapist. The process entails flushing the colon with ozonated water to eliminate the candida overgrowth, parasites and toxins. There are pros and cons to each type of colon cleanse. Colonic irrigation can be more invasive and intimidating for people. A person may have sensitivities to certain foods or herbs in colon cleansing kits. Both can effectively remove excess candida and parasites.

    Dietary Changes

    • Since candida albicans thrives on gluten and sugar, you will need to make changes in your diet for effective colon and parasite cleansing. This can be challenging because most commercial foods, such as bread, pasta, cereal and cow's milk, contain gluten. It is best to limit your gluten and sugar intake by eating more meat, potatoes, vegetables, legumes, almonds and gluten-free grains. Wheat should especially be limited as it contains high levels of gluten. If you like bread or pasta, you can eat certain substitute foods such as brown rice bread or pasta. There are also gluten- and sugar-free snacks and cereals. Eventually, as your symptoms improve, you can introduce gluten and sugar products back into your diet.

    Probiotics and Plant Enzyme Supplements

    • In addition to colon cleansing, you can take probiotics and enzymes. Probiotics are "friendly" bacteria that can help replenish your body's natural bacteria. These microorganisms can kill off candida overgrowth and parasites in your colon and digestive tract. Plant enzymes can also kill excess candida and parasites. Both of these supplements are available at health food stores.

    Time Frame

    • There is no set time frame for eliminating excess candida and parasites from your colon or digestive tract. Those with more severe symptoms may need to be treated for a number of months.

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