Natural Home Colon Cleansers
A dysfunctional colon causes abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea.
A natural colon cleanse promotes the natural detoxification process. It cleanses the colon without harsh chemicals. A natural colon cleanse relieves bloating, constipation, fatigue, mental and physical sluggishness and headaches. It is a natural disinfectant that eliminates worms and parasites. The risk of developing many diseases and disorders is greatly reduced by this cleanse that flushes the body of harmful toxins.
A natural colon cleanse can be done at home using natural herbs, supplements and laxatives. Many supplements contain psyllium seed or husk. Psyllium expands and removes toxins from the colon.
A colon-cleansing diet eliminates processed meat, most seafood, pasteurized dairy products, processed oil, flour products including breads and pastas, refined sugar, soda, alcohol, caffeine and processed foods with artificial flavors. These foods are replaced with a high-fiber diet, including raw fruits and vegetables. As the fiber-rich food passes through the colon, it is swept clean.
Enemas are also an option at home. Coffee, Epsom salts, wheatgrass, soap and other natural substances can be added to enema water. The fluid is used to flush impacted matter from the colon.
A natural colon cleanse improves overall health. It encourages steady and regular bowel movements. The colon is flushed of built-up fecal matter, often resulting in a much flatter stomach and weight loss. Many have reported having more energy and more restful sleep after a natural colon cleanse.
Never share enema equipment because bacteria can be transferred from person to person. Allow your enema bag to dry between uses so that mold does not build up, causing health problems. Consult with your doctor if you are going to embark on a strict diet to ensure that you will receive proper nutrition.
Use caution when taking laxatives or a doing a home colon cleanse. The body can develop a dependence on them, retarding its natural processes. If you have stomach problems, you should consult a doctor before doing a colon cleanse at home. Be sure to drink lots of water when cleansing the colon so that you do not become dehydrated.