More Causes and Risk Factors for Bloody Stools
The classifications of bloody stools, based on color and texture, are bright red, maroon color, occult (invisible to the naked eye) and black and tarry. Knowing these types can help lead to the cause of your hematochezia.
Some causes of bloody stools are not dangerous. The most common is hemorrhoids, which are dilated blood vessels in the anus.
Severe Causes
Bloody stools can indicate cancer. Colon and stomach cancers are commonly linked to bloody stools.
The color of your stool indicates the origin of your bleeding. Bright red indicates bleeding from the colon, rectum or anus. Dark and sticky stools can be a sign of a bleeding ulcer.
Since bloody stools can indicate serious health issues, consult your doctor on the issue. She will be able to determine the cause of your the problem and the proper method of treatment.
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