Can Digestive Problems Cause Sinusitis?
Yeast Overgrowth
The source of sinus problems related to the digestive system lies in the intestines. There should ideally be a balance between yeast and good bacteria in the colon. These two can become imbalanced because of antibiotic use and poor lifestyle habits, such as eating incorrectly and alcohol and tobacco use. When this happens, the yeast, which is a fungus, grows out of control. It takes over the intestines, growing long roots that reach deep into the intestinal wall.
Our bodies do manage to kill some of the yeast that has burrowed into the intestinal wall. When this happens, the hole created by the yeast remains open, allowing undigested food and other toxins to enter the bloodstream. In addition to causing sinusitis, this causes a host of other problems ranging from allergies and skin problems to autoimmune disorders, such as arthritis.
Kill and Heal
The yeast is fed by sugars and refined carbohydrates, so it is important to remove foods in these groups from your diet until the yeast is under control. Caprylic acid, oil of oregano and olive leaf extract can be taken to aid in destroying yeast. These herbs and supplements are available in most health food stores and you can take 600 mg of caprylic acid twice per day, 500 mg of olive leaf extract three times per day and the oil of oregano, which is available in softgels, can be taken twice daily. All of these should be taken with a meal so they don't upset your stomack. Continue this regimen for two months to make sure the yeast overgrowth has been eliminated.
To prevent the yeast from growing out of control again, add probiotics and good bacteria to your diet. Probiotics can be taken in pills available over the counter, or you can get this valuable component by eating yogurt or fermented foods, like sauerkraut.
Now that the yeast is dead and gone, fill the holes left behind to prevent further symptoms of leaky gut syndrome. Add glutamine powder to your supplement regimen. This is an amino acid that aids the body in repairing itself. It is available at health food stores and even some large chain retailers. This comes in powder form and it should be sufficient to take 1/4 tsp. three times each day between meals. After doing this complete regimen for at least two months, your sinus problems should improve.