Gall Bladder Attack Condition & Symptoms
Right Shoulder Blade Pain
During a gallbladder attack, referred pain tends to travel up towards the right shoulder blade, creating a sharp or dull sensation. This symptom usually occurs at night, and like most attacks, tends to last anywhere from one to four hours.
Intestinal Discomfort
Common symptoms of a gallbladder attack may include feelings of severe nausea, as well as frequent bouts of vomiting and gas.
Sore Abdomen
The gallbladder lies on the right side of the abdomen, directly below the rib cage. During a gallbladder attack this region may become intensely sore or sensitive to touch.
Difficulty Walking
The pain may become so severe during a gallbladder attack that some may find it difficult to walk upright.
Chest Pains
An attack brought on by the appearance of stones or an infection tends to manifest in the form of right sided chest pains.