What Are the Benefits of a Clean Colon?
Digestive Conditions
Many people claim that colon cleansing can improve digestive issues such as constipation and bloating in the intestine. Gas, nausea and obesity can sometimes be listed as conditions that are improved through the use of colon cleansing.
Circulatary System
High blood pressure and cholesterol can sometimes be listed as conditions that are treated by colon cleansing, though those with heart and blood pressure problems should not use over-the-counter laxatives without the advice of a doctor.
Mental State and Mood
Colon cleansing proponents often list the improvement of concentration and mood among the benefits of colon cleansing.
Other Conditions
Some people report that regular colon cleansing helps improve skin color and hair condition. Others say that bad breath and body odor are reduced in the process of a colon cleanse.
While the jury is still out on these claims, colon cleansing is not inherently dangerous for otherwise healthy individuals, though people should seek the care of their doctor before undergoing a colon-cleansing diet or receiving colon irrigation therapy.