How Can Gallstones Be Prevented?
High Fat Content
An example of red meat Limiting the amount of fatty foods in your diet can drastically reduce your chances of developing gallstones. High saturated fatty foods such as red meat and butter can cause the creation of gallstones. Limiting your intake of red meats, or switching to monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil or omega-3 fatty acids like flaxseed oil, will limit your chances of getting a gallstone.
Healthy Weight
Blueberries According to the Mayo Clinic, being overweight or obese can result in a higher risk of developing gallstones. Regular exercise should be an integral part of your lifestyle, as well as maintaining a well-balanced diet. Incorporating at least 30 minutes of exercise into your day can help reduce the chances of developing gallstones. Diets that are rich in fruits, such as berries and apples, and vegetables, such as leafy greens, are also important for gallstone prevention.
Rapid Weight Loss
Overweight woman If you're overweight and intend to lose weight, do so at a slow rate. Losing weight rapidly can cause the formation of gallstones. According to the Mayo Clinic, losing an average of up to 2 lbs. a week is healthy. Losing more than 2 lbs. a week is not only unhealthy, but can also result in gaining the weight back. Moderate exercises such as walking and swimming are good exercises for gradual weight loss.
Alcohol & Coffee
A cup of coffee Moderate alcohol consumption may reduce your chances of developing a gallstone. Moderate drinking is considered to include up to two alcoholic beverages in one day. According to The New York Times Health Guide, if you're woman who drinks 1 oz. of alcohol a day, you can reduce your chances of developing a gallstone by up to 20 percent. Drinking coffee can also lower your chances of developing a gallstone. The caffeine that is found within coffee can contribute to gallbladder contractions, which reduces the production of hard bile being formed. The caffeine found in sodas and tea have not been found to help prevent gallstones.
Other Preventive Measures
A bowl of nuts Having a high fiber diet can also prevent gallstones. Eating nuts like peanuts, almonds and walnuts are also good sources for the prevention of gallstones. Other preventive measures include lowering your intake of sugar and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are converted into sugar after consuming them. It is also important to eat meals regularly and to not skip meals. Fasting and skipping meals can develop gallstones.