Foods to Stay Away From After Gall Bladder Surgery
The gallbladder does not have any real vital functions and a person can get along quite well without one. Gallstones cause pain and problems and must be addressed. Often diet alone does not work, and removal is required.
A proper diet is one way to stop gallbladder pain before and after surgery. Recognizing what foods cause flare-ups, pain and discomfort and then avoiding them are the first steps to relief.
Many people believe that many foods are completely off limits after gall bladder surgery. A normal diet is slowly introduced, and most foods can be consumed on an as tolerated basis.
Long-term dietary restrictions or changes are most often not required. Introducing foods gradually to a diet after removal and acknowledging those that cause discomfort are important to long-term success.
After gallbladder surgery, a low-fat diet is advised. Avoiding fats, trans fats, oils and fried and fatty foods is greatly suggested. This will be beneficial to a person's overall health and diet as well.
The list of foods to avoid or limit is lengthy. Tolerance is key. Offenders include: eggs, coffee, alcohol, beer, wine, onions, milk, beans, corn, grapefruit, pork, fowl, red meats, dairy, chocolate, ice cream, black tea, carbonated water, tap water, turnips, cabbage, cauliflower, colas, wheat, barley, rye, white flower and artificial sweeteners.