Home Uses of Vinegar for Body Cleansing
Inside the Body
Use vinegar to detoxify the body's digestive system. Vinegar breaks down plaque that has built up inside the body and makes it easier for the body to get rid of it naturally. It also cleans the digestive system's natural lining.
Make a drinkable vinegar mixture by combining 2 tablespoons of vinegar with 8 ounces of another liquid. Try mixing white or apple vinegar with apple juice or fruit juice, or diluting it in a glass of water, and then drinking it fast. Or try making a vinegar "tea" by warming a mug of water, then adding the vinegar and a teaspoon of honey. Drink one 8-ounce glass of vinegar mixture twice daily for 2 weeks, along with a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and other high-fiber foods, and give your digestive system a fresh start.
Outside the Body
Vinegar also kill germs that live on the skin. If you struggle with body odors, soaking in vinegar once a day will kill the germs that are causing the smell.
For a foot odor problem, first clean your feet well. Then combine 3 parts of warm water to 1 part of white vinegar (apple cider will also work) in a large bowl or basin. Soak your feet for 10 to 20 minutes and then allow them to air dry. Do this daily, or every couple of days depending on the need.
For underarm odors, soak 2 washcloths in a mixture of equal parts warm water and vinegar, then place a washcloth underneath each arm and hold them there for ten minutes.
Soaking the entire body at once is beneficial if you have both a foot and underarm odor problem. Add up to one gallon of vinegar to your bath water (depending on the severity of the odor problem), and rinse off in the shower afterward to remove the vinegar smell.