How to Use Gelatin for Diarrhea From Colon Cancer
Diarrhea from colon cancer should be treated in much the same way as it would be in any other case. This involves a number of changes in diet, as well as the possibility of over-the-counter or prescription medication, and gelatin can be a part of the dietary regimen.
Eat gelatin as part of a diet of clear liquids, including water, apple juice, weak tea, clear broth, and peach nectar. Make sure that there are no solids added to the gelatin you're eating.
Make sure your diet is high in potassium; drink Gatorade, Powerade, or other energy drinks. When you do eat solid foods, consider bananas, apricots, and potatoes.
Avoid greasy foods, caffeine, pastries, jellies, nuts, and spicy foods.
Consider taking over-the-counter anti-diarrheals like Pepto-Bismol or other similar products.
Consult your doctor if diarrhea persists. He or she may give you a prescription medication to combat the diarrhea, provided it does not interfere with the other treatments you're receiving for your colon cancer.