Quick Relief for Bowel Gas
Constipation often plays a role in intestinal or bowel gas. Relieve constipation by increasing your fiber intake. This promotes soft, regular stools and quickly eliminates intestinal gas and cramping.
Effects of Activity
In addition to increasing your fiber to stop constipation and relieve gas, physical activity can induce intestinal contractions and encourage regular movements, which reduces gas in the intestinal tract.
Assess your eating habits. Habitually talking while chewing your foods or eating at a fast pace can bring on intestinal or bowel gas. These habits result in the swallowing of excess air, which can trigger gas. Other triggers include drinking with a straw, chewing gum and smoking.
Identifying foods that cause bowel gas and limiting your intake of such foods can relieve your symptoms. Keep a food journal and monitor your symptoms. Typical gassy foods include vegetables such as broccoli, onions, cauliflower, beans, wheat-products and dairy.
Expert Insight
Taking an over-the-counter medication like Alka-Seltzer or Gas-X can alleviate bowel gas and pain. You can also prevent bowel gas by taking a digestive enzyme before eating gassy foods or milk products.