Side Effects of Reglan in Infants
Reglan effects on infants.
Reglan has been shown to help infants with gastroesophageal reflux by reducing the symptoms of pain, vomiting, and poor weight gain.
Reports completed by the Academy of Pediatrics failed to adequately determine exact side effects due to limited studies, small sample sizes, and a general lack of consistency.
Reglan has been reported to cause irritability, drowsiness, emesis and apnea in infants taking the medication.
Tardive Dyskinesia
The most serious side effect reported with Reglan use in patients is tardive Ddyskinesia, a movement disorder that causes involuntary and repetitive movements. It is often irreversible.
On February 26, 2009, the Federal Drug Administration announced Reglan would now be labeled with a black box warning due to tardive dyskinesia being associated with long-term and high-doses of this medication.