How to Clear the Intestinal Tract of Toxins

Toxins are everywhere in today's world. They are present in what we eat and drink and in the air we breathe. According to Dr. John A. Rush, author of "Handbook of Fiber and Processes of Detoxification," toxins that are not removed end up in connective tissue, blood, fat tissue and the tissues between joints, causing a number of diseases. Fortunately, our digestive systems clean out many of these toxins. When our bodies become sluggish, though, it is harder for the digestive system to do its job. To clear the intestinal tract of toxins, we must make diet and lifestyle changes.


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      Eat foods high in insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber increases stool bulk, which promotes the movement of material through your digestive system. This can help regulate your bowel movements. Good sources of insoluble fiber include whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts and vegetables such as dark leafy greens.

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      Minimize consumption of fried foods and overly processed foods such as refined sugars and starches, as well as excessive caffeine, soft drinks and alcohol. These foods and beverages impair digestive processes, loading the intestinal tract with toxins.

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      Get a colonic cleanse. This procedure is also known as intestinal cleanse, bowel cleanse and intestinal therapy. During the process, a colonic therapist uses a disposable speculum and hose connected to a colon hydrotherapy unit to pump water through the rectum into your colon. This is an excellent way to remove waste matter and toxins lodged in the intestines. Talk to your doctor to see if this treatment is right for you.

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      Do breathing exercises daily. Deep breathing relaxes the body, which helps to relieve constipation. It also provides much-needed oxygen to all the body's systems. Sit up straight and exhale completely through your mouth. Place your hands on your stomach and breathe in very slowly through your nose. If you are breathing correctly, your hands should be pushed out with every inhale and pushed in with every exhale. Breathe in and out 10 times. Do this exercise first thing in the morning or right before you go to bed.

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