Conditions & Symptoms of a Hiatal Hernia

A hiatal hernia occurs when a part of the stomach pushes into the diaphragm. While small hiatal hernias do not provoke many symptoms, large hiatal hernias can prove to be very painful and can lead to more serious conditions.
  1. Heartburn and Belching

    • The act of the stomach being pushed into the diaphragm can provoke such bothersome symptoms as persistent heartburn and uncontrollable belching.

    Chest Pain

    • Chest pain may be present when battling a hiatal hernia. In fact, these symptoms tend to worsen during strenuous activity, such as heavy lifting, or even during such simple acts as leaning forward or lying down.


    • While it's quite common for pregnant women to experience nausea, when coupled with these other symptoms, it could also be a sign of a hiatal hernia.

    Twisted Protrusion

    • In severe hiatal hernia cases, the protruding stomach portion may become distorted, leading to severe pain in the chest region.

    Esophagus Obstruction

    • The protrusion may also lead to other serious conditions, such as an obstruction in the esophagus, which in turn could result in difficulty swallowing.

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