Colon Detox Using Lemon, Maple Syrup & Water
Using lemon, maple syrup and water as a lemonade may work for some people for a detox diet for a few days, but it may be difficult. It lacks cayenne pepper which would make it the Master Cleanse, a colon cleanse lemonade designed by Stanley Burroughs in 1971.
Why Do a Colon Cleanse?
Everyone is exposed to environmental toxins such as air pollution, car exhaust, pesticides and second-hand cigarette smoke. The body must filter, package and eliminate these toxins. Doing a colon detox is the first step to doing a body-wide detox.
The colon removes a great deal of waste, and unless you have at least one daily bowel movement, you may be storing more waste and toxins than normal. Some people report having only two or three bowel movements per week.
Why the Master Cleanse is Better
The Master Cleanse lemonade is made from fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, filtered water and cayenne pepper. The lemonade is the only thing, in addition to water and perhaps detox herbal teas, that are consumed for about 10 days to cleanse the colon. A clear tongue with no visible white coating is the indication your stomach and colon are clear as well.
Liquid fasting only on lemon juice, water and maple syrup does not provide the heat you need to sustain 10 days.
Ayurveda: Science of Life
Ayurveda literally means "science of life" and is a holistic system of healing from India. Agni fire is needed to stoke digestion. Cayenne pepper provides that agni in a very vata (wind, dry, cold) lemonade. Ama, or toxins, accumulate in the body and create kapha (wet, earthy, sluggish) stagnation. To remedy it, drinking the Master Cleanse lemonade can remove the toxins (ama) and still provide calories from maple syrup and give you the benefit of a heat element from cayenne pepper. Unlike black pepper, which is corrosive, cayenne pepper is used in herbal products to heal and tone the colon.
Get medical clearance if you have never done a colon cleanse before. Discontinue if you become dizzy, weak or have difficulty performing normal daily activities.
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