Herbs for GERD
Both black pepper and Indian long pepper can be helpful for people with GERD. Black pepper works by aiding with digestion and helps your gastric system function. For the best results, grind fresh black pepper over food. Indian long pepper is a little more difficult to find, most often used in Indonesian and Malaysian cuisine. Like black pepper, Indian long pepper is useful in stimulating digestion as well as assisting in the assimilation and metabolizing of food. Indian long pepper is also helpful for those with gastic ulcers. Both of these spices should be taken with meals.
Both ancient Chinese and Indian medical traditions have used ginger and it is particularly helpful for people with digestive issues. Ginger works as both an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, calming an upset stomach and helping people with nausea and diarrhea. Ginger is one of the safer herbs to take for reflux, but if used on a daily basis it may cause heartburn. Ginger can be used as an ingredient or a condiment with a meal. You can also make a tea out of ginger to help ease excessive acid in your stomach.
Licorice and Indian Gooseberry
Licorice has anti-inflammatory and antacid properties that can help calm GERD symptoms. Make tea from licorice powder and a safe amount for daily consumption is 1 cup of tea. If you take too much licorice, side effects include high blood pressure and headache.
Indian gooseberries are loaded with powerful antioxidants that can lessen acid secreted into the stomach. Eat Indian gooseberries either raw or make them into tea. Indian gooseberries are generally well-tolerated but can have a laxative effect. Take care if you eat too many of them.