Foods to Avoid for a Fatty Liver
There are typically no symptoms that indicate the onset of fatty liver. The condition is usually discovered while undergoing medical tests for unrelated conditions or procedures. A small percentage of fatty liver sufferers may experience abdominal swelling, pain on the right side of the abdomen, jaundice and fever.
Refined Carbohydrates and Concentrated Sugar
Reduce intake of any refined carbohydrates from bread, biscuits, pastry, noodles, pasta, cakes, desserts and sugar. Concentrated sugar also needs to be limited. This includes ice cream, sugary drinks, candy and jams and jellies. Both refined carbohydrates and concentrated sugar cause inflammation as well as disturbing the body's normal balance of blood sugar. Artificial sweeteners must also be avoided. They contain chemicals and additives that force the liver to work harder to digest.
Saturated Fats and Trans Fats
Avoid deep-fried, fatty, and processed foods including red meat, pork, butter, ice cream, whole milk and cheese, mayonnaise, palm and coconut oil, french fries and pizza. Also avoid consuming junk foods made with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, e.g., donuts, potato chips and hamburgers.
Even if your fatty liver does not stem from overuse of alcohol, alcoholic beverages are still toxic to the liver, disrupt blood glucose and triglycerides, and must be avoided.
Healthy Foods to Avoid
Chicken and turkey, considered to be healthy, lean protein choices, must be avoided if they are not from organic free-range sources. Products from poultry not raised this way contain steroids, antibiotics and artificial grown hormones. As with artificial sweeteners, the liver must work harder to process these additives.