Cleanses for Candida Albicans
Cleansing is advocated by alternative medical practitioners as a way of alleviating certain symptoms related to candida albicans, such as migraines, yeast infections and gastritis. Without the cleanses, yeast from candida, their toxins and parasites can enter the bloodstream and invade cells and body organs. This can hinder the assimilation of vitamins and minerals, potentially leaving cells vulnerable to autoimmune conditions (i.e. chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia) and other diseases such as cancer.
Types of Food Cleanses
Vegetables and fruits contain digestive enzymes that can kill excess candida in the colon and digestive tract. These foods also stimulate phagocytosis, which helps white blood cells rid the blood of unhealthy cells (those containing yeast, toxins and parasites). Fruits also have digestive enzymes. They are also natural laxatives, which can help remove fecal impactions caused by excess candida albicans. Juicing with raw vegetables and fruits can be a highly effective way of cleansing the body. It provides for a greative assimilation of nutrients from these foods to eliminate excess candida. Other foods such as garlic and virgin coconut oil can also help cleanse the body and eliminate yeast from candida albicans.
Types of Colon Cleanses
There are two types of colon cleanses that can be used for eliminating candida overgrowth: Colon-cleansing kits and colonic irrigation (also called colonics or colon hydrotherapy). Colon-cleansing kits contain a mixture of herbs and foods for treating a candida albicans problem. There are both syrup and powder formulas. The cleansing program is normally designed for one month. Colonic irrigation entails flushing all three sections of the large intestines with purified or ozonated water. Water temperatures can be varied to kill parasites and eliminate toxins from candida in distant regions of the colon (i.e., the ileocecal valve between the small and large intestines).
Effects of Probiotic Cleanses
Probiotics are "friendly" bacteria that can replenish natural bacteria in the colon and digestive tract. These bacteria are usually eroded when fighting a proliferation of candida albicans. Probiotics cleanse the colon and digestive tract by eliminating excess yeast and creating a more acidic environment for parasites to survive. Probiotics can be purchased at a local health food store. A person can also eat yogurt or drink buttermilk, which contain these microorganisms (i.e. bifuda, acidophilus).
Time Frame
Though some colon-cleansing kits are designed to last a month, there is generally no set time frame for eliminating candida albicans from the digestive tract and colon. People with more severe symptoms or illnesses may need to prolong treatment. Generally, symptoms will improve gradually while cleansing.