Vinegar and Leaky Gut Syndrome
What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Leaky gut syndrome is a condition of damaged or altered intestinal lining, which can lead to the increased permeability of the intestinal wall, making it less able to protect and filter needed nutrients and other biological substances. It also decreases stomach acid needed to break down toxins and other substances. Increased permeability can allow foreign bodies such as microbes, undigested food, waste and toxins to leak out of the intestines into the blood stream, triggering a reaction punctuated by abdominal bloating,cramping, fatigue, food sensitivities, joint pain, skin rashes and autoimmunity.
According to Dr. James Ferrel, MD, the cause of leaky gut syndrome is still widely reputed. Many experts believe that it is caused by damage to the intestinal lining from antibiotics, infection or parasites.
Others contend that the most common cause of this condition is food allergies, such as to dairy products, wheat, and eggs.
It is also thought that diets rich in refined sugar, lack of fiber, zinc deficiencies, alcohol, and other disease causing digestive problems cause leaky gut syndrome.
Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome can include nutritional deficiencies, Candidiasis or excess yeast, skin rashes, impaired immune function, sudden allergies to food or other environmental factors, bloating or excess gas, heartburn, indigestion, moodiness and irritability, poor concentration, diarrhea or constipation, fatigue and headaches.
Using Vinegar for Leaky Gut Syndrome
Vinegar, such as apple cider vinegar, is beneficial for leaky gut syndrome in that it contains stomach-enhancing enzymes that may help the intestinal wall begin to heal itself and boosts low stomach acid levels. Taking vinegar will also mimic the PH level of acid in your stomach, which helps the stomach to digest food and break down other substances properly.
Dosage and Side Effects
Always use pure, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar that can be bought at health food stores and some supermarkets. Pure apple cider vinegar has a substance called the "mother" in it, which is what contains its rich nutrients.
Put 2 tsp. of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water, add 1 tsp. of honey for taste, and drink mixture up to three times per day. You can also put 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar in a quart of water, add honey to taste and sip over the course of a day.
Always make sure to dilute apple cider vinegar, as taking it straight can cause chemical burns to the throat and digestive tract. Taking too much can also cause stomach upset and diarrhea to occur, so always stick with recommended dosage.