How to Reduce Gas and Bloating
1. Try lying on your side with your head slightly elevated and your knees pulled toward your stomach to promote the passing of gas. In this position gas has a tendency to work its way through your system easier allowing it to be passed, creating relief from the bloating.
Sit up straight, close your eyes, and concentrate on contracting your stomach muscles in order to produce a burp. If you do this slowly and gently you may be able to burp excess gas out of your mouth to reduce the pressure inside your stomach.
Go into your bathroom and try to produce a bowel movement. Many times having a bowel movement will completely alleviate your symptoms of gas and bloating, especially if they occur shortly after eating a meal.
Find a quiet place and take a short nap. Sometimes giving your body the chance to rest can make a big difference in the amount of gas and cramping that you're experiencing. Try to make your nap at least an hour long in order to receive the full benefits from the rest.
Take an over the counter gas reducing medication and repeat steps one and two. There are a number of medications that make it much easier to pass gas and reduce your bloating. If you're having trouble passing gas on your own you can take a medication like this to assist you.
Stay away from foods that create gas such as carbonated beverages and beans. Foods like these will only add to your gas and bloating problem, so avoid them if possible.
Make a habit of eating several smaller meals spaced regularly throughout the day instead of two or three large meals. This will reduce the load that your stomach has to process all at once and should cut down significantly on your gas and bloating.