What Is Hyoscyamine?
Hyoscyamine, classified as both an antispasmodic and anticholinergic (chemical that blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine), functions by reducing the stomach's production of acid and slowing the gut's natural movements. It also enables the muscles of various organs to relax (such as the gallbladder, bladder, intestines, kidney and stomach). Hyoscyamine reduces levels of various bodily fluids (like sweat and saliva).
Common Side Effects
There are various common side effects that could happen from taking hyoscyamine. These side effects tend to be minor because they usually quickly subside, but if you have any of them and find them to be persistent or especially troublesome, you should notify your doctor. These side effects are blurry vision, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, flushing, difficulty sleeping, dry mouth, constipation and dry skin.
Severe Side Effects
Hyoscyamine also can bring upon some severe side effects, although they are very uncommon. If you have any of these serious effects, you need to immediately consult your doctor. They include lowered sexual ability, having problems urinating, irregular or rapid heartbeat, mood or mental changes (like abnormal excitement, confusion and disorientation), eye ache, coordination loss, throwing up and slurred speech.
Allergic Reactions
Serious allergic reactions to hyoscyamine are not common. However, should you experience an allergic reaction, you need to seek immediate medical help for safety purposes. Some symptoms to be aware of include having problems with breathing, itching, swelling, skin rash, extreme dizziness, swelling and unusual hoarseness of the voice.
It is not necessarily appropriate or safe for everybody to use this medication. It is crucial to consult your doctor when considering use of hyoscyamine. Individuals advised against taking this medicine include those with an enlarged prostate, glaucoma, various intestinal and stomach-related problems (like extreme ulcerative colitis and slow gut), and problems with the heart that are brought on by serious bleeding. Other medical conditions might require dosage changes or specialized testing, such as problems with heartburn (like hiatal hernia and acid reflux), kidney disease, hypertension, myasthenia gravis, various heart problems (like rapid heartbeat and congestive heart failure) and overactive thyroid.