What Is Betaine Hydrochloride?
Betaine hydrochloride may have benefits for people with low levels of stomach acid. It may prevent some bacterial, parasitic and candida infections, and might also help with digestive problems, asthma, food allergies and rheumatoid arthritis.
Paradoxically, some naturopaths believe that betaine hydrochloride can prevent heartburn (acid reflux) and heal gastrointestinal ulcers. However, anyone with these conditions should consult a physician before using betaine hydrochloride.
Betaine hydrochloride capsules or tablets are usually taken with each meal at dosages from 325 to 650 mg.
Drug Interactions
People taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids should not take betaine hydrochloride since these drugs can irritate or damage the gastrointestinal system.
The Modern Herbalist website warns people to stop taking betaine hydrochloride if stomach burning sensations occur or existing burning sensations become worse.