IBS Constipation Symptoms
Constipation refers to irregular bowel movements and this varies from person-to-person. Some people normally have one to three movements a day, whereas another person may only have three movements a week. But according to the Mayo Clinic, constipation generally consists of fewer than three movements a week.
Infrequent movements can produce gas in the intestinal tract, and the presence of intestinal gas triggers a host of other problems such as stomach cramps and the passing of gas or flatulence.
Different factors play a role in abdominal boating such as menstruation, eating certain foods and overeating. But if you're dealing with constipation, you can attribute abdominal bloating or tightness to this condition.
IBS constipation doesn't only involve the inability to pass a stool. A change in bowel habits can also indicate constipation, wherein you may pass hard stools or strain excessively during a movement.
Numerous ways exist to alleviate symptoms of IBS with constipation. Drinking fluids keeps the intestinal tract hydrated and promotes soft stools. In addition, limiting dairy, increasing fiber, exercising and managing stress can regulate your intestinal tract. Use over-the-counter laxatives as a last resort.