What Are the Causes of Nausea & Diarrhea?
Nausea is the feeling that you are going to vomit, even though you may not. Diarrhea is when the intestines move what you eat through too quickly and do not properly absorb fluid from waste.
External causes of nausea
A common external cause of nausea, or one that originates from outside of the body, is sickness from viruses. Nausea and vomiting are part of the immune system's reaction to foreign invaders in the body. Intoxication may cause nausea. Also, disequilibrium while in motion (car, boat, or airplane sickness) can cause nausea.
Body changes causing nausea
Nausea is also caused when the hormonal balance in the body is not at its usual level such as during pregnancy. Long-term dehydration and body changes made by certain medications may cause nausea.
External causes of diarrhea
Ingesting poorly prepared or improperly preserved foods is one cause of diarrhea. The condition may also be caused by invasions of the digestive tract by parasites or bacteria. Viruses frequently cause diarrhea as the body tries to expel the foreign organisms.
Psychosomatic causes of nausea and diarrhea
Both nausea and diarrhea can be brought on by anxiety, stress, and depression.