Colonic Intensive Cleansing

Colonic intensive cleansing is the process of focusing solely on the colon as the source of adverse symptoms and disease. Most colon cleansing efforts center on the overgrowth of candida albicans, a diploid fungus that naturally lives in the colon. An overuse of antibiotics, corticosteroids, poor diet and stress can spur this condition. Symptoms can include migraines, gastritis, joint and muscle pain and even autoimmune diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities and arthritis.
  1. Significance

    • Colon cleansing is gaining more credibility among mainstream medical doctors and specialists. They recognize that it can be an effective way to alleviate constipation and fungus infections. Recurring yeast infections such as athlete's foot can actually be caused by excess systemic candida. Moreover, if left untreated, candida overgrowth, its toxins and parasites can enter the bloodstream and invade cells and body organs. This can lead to more serious illnesses such as colon cancer.

    Types of Dietary Colon Intensive Cleanses

    • One method of colon intensive cleansing includes eating more vegetables, especially raw vegetables. Vegetables have digestive enzymes that can kill excess candida in the colon. Vegetables also promote phagocytosis which helps white blood cells cleanse the blood. During this process, unhealthy cells--those containing fungi, parasites and toxins--are eliminated through excretion. Vegetables also contain many essential vitamins and minerals for healthy cell maintenance. Fruits can also be effective for cleansing the colon. Fruits are natural laxatives that can heal inflamed colon walls once the excess fungus is killed off.

    Other Types of Colon Intensive Cleanses

    • Some people use herbs for their colon intensive treatments. Paul d'Arco, also called taheebo, which is cultivated from a tree in Central and South America, can be used to cure candida overgrowth. Aloe leaves can heal the inflamed mucus membranes of the colon after a candida problem. People can also use colon cleansing kits or colonic irrigation. The kits contain prepackaged herbs and foods that kill fungus and cleanse the colon. Colonic irrigation entails flushing the colon with purified or ozonated water. Higher water temperatures can be used for eliminating parasites from the colon. Colonic irrigation is usually administered by a licensed colon hydrotherapist.

    Time Frame

    • There is no set time frame for treating candida and cleansing the colon. Healing is contingent upon the severity of a person's condition. Some colon cleansing kits are designed for one month of treatment. Dieting, a purported safer option, can take months to rid the colon of foreign entities.


    • People who undergo intensive colon cleansing can suffer from certain detox symptoms. The candida fungus and parasites emit toxins as they perish. Symptoms can include nausea and other flu-like problems. These symptoms are usually just part of the colon healing process.

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