Home Remedy for Colonics
A colonic, also known as a colon irrigation or colon hydrotherapy, typically works best for the initial stages of cleansing. More advanced colon buildup and constipation may not respond to a colonic that you administer yourself. For routine maintenance, however, home enema kits and specialty home colon cleansing kits certainly can do an effective job.
How to Administer a Colonic
A colonic typically is administered directly into the colon. Other types of colon cleansers may require the aid of oral capsules that are comprised of special herbs and ingredients, which are used as mild laxatives and constipation relievers, but colonics tackle the issue of colon cleansing directly.
You need an enema bag or bucket, an enema tube, a tube clamp or stop cock, an enema nozzle or tip and enema liquid. All of these items can be purchased at a pharmacy or health food store. Many types of enema liquids can be used in a colonic. Water is most common, but you also can use probiotics, yogurt, epsom salts, coffee, castor or olive oil, vinegar, freshly pressed juice, or herbal teas and extracts.
Connect the enema bag to the enema tube, clamp the tube, and then fill the bag with your choice of fluid. Suspend the bag 3 to 4 feet above the floor, then position yourself on the floor, face up. Use a bit of oil to lubricate your anus. Generously lubricate the enema nozzle, and insert it into your anus. Then release the clamp that is on the enema tube, and allow the liquid to flow into your colon. Once you feel a sense of fullness, clamp the tubing and remove the nozzle. Try to retain the fluid for at least two minutes, but no longer than 10 minutes, and then empty your bowels.
Colonics are safe to perform on a regular basis, but always be careful with the equipment and research any liquids or herbs that your body might not be able to tolerate.