Fast Free Ways to Get Rid of Acid Reflux
Follow a New Sleep Routine
Begin by raising the head of the bed so that the head is above the chest and stomach. If you raise the head of the bed four to six inches higher than the foot of the bed it will help prevent those late night attacks of acid reflux that are so painful. You also need to cut out midnight snacks. In fact, you should not eat within two hours of lying down for the evening in order to experience optimal results.
Change Attitude about Food
Most people eat two or three large meals per day. Many people overeat at these meals. The problem is the body isn't able to properly digest and dispose of all this food before most people call it a day. Instead, eat four or five smaller meals throughout the day. In these meals, avoid foods that are greasy, gassy or commonly known to irritate your acid reflux. Other things you will want to eliminate from your diet are sodas, coffee, tea, acidic foods and many spices that are commonly added to foods for an extra kick.
Get on Your Feet
In addition to eating properly and changing your sleep routine, you will also want to get moving after dinner. You don't have to join the gym, but taking a walk around the neighborhood after an evening meal can do a lot of good. It will relieve stress, help settle your dinner, and fill the time between dinner and bed that otherwise might be spent in your favorite recliner.
Find a New Habit
Stop smoking, stop drinking and give up caffeine. Each of these habits can contribute to the severity of acid reflux. Giving them up and quitting cold turkey might be painful at first, but the benefits are worth pursuing. Find healthier habits like exercise, cooking light or gardening.