Home Remedies to Kill Parasites
Juicing With Raw Vegetables
Blending vegetables and drinking their juices is a highly effective way of cleansing your body and getting rid of parasites. Vegetables have a lot of vitamins and minerals. Juicing ensures a great absorption rate of the vegetables' nutrients. Antioxidants from these vegetables promote phagocystosis. This is when white blood cells clean the blood and eliminate unhealthy cells (those containing parasites and toxins). Raw vegetables also have digestive enzymes, which can kill excess candida and parasites. Common raw vegetables used in juicing include cucumbers, celery, radishes, carrots, broccoli, spinach and kale. However, before you blend these vegetables you must clean them. Raw vegetables carry certain parasites. You can use a simple vinegar and water solution on vegetables to eliminate these foreign invaders.
Garlic, Cloves & Pau d'Arco Tea
Garlic can kill excess fungus, parasites and their eggs in your body. It also has antiseptic properties which help heal inflammation in the colon after the parasites are eliminated. Antioxidant properties in garlic also prevent oxidation in body cells caused by parasite toxins, which are released as these microorganisms die. Try eating several cloves of garlic per day for killing parasites. Dried cloves can also kill parasites. Eat them at every meal while treating a parasite problem.
Paul d'Arco tea is an herb that you can use in conjunction with garlic. You can purchase it at health food stores in either bark or pill form. This powerful herb can kill parasites and candida overgrowth. It also helps build your immunity to prevent subsequent infestations. Start with a half cup per day and gradually increase the amount until you are consuming four cups per day.
Yogurt & Buttermilk
Both yogurt and buttermilk have probiotics. These are "friendly" bacteria that can replenish the body's natural bacteria, which erodes when fighting candida overgrowth and parasites. The probiotics in either of these foods can kill excess candida and parasites. Buttermilk is extremely effective for eliminating parasites. Try drinking 125 milliliters of buttermilk along with two grams of Sprague powder. Try this for three to seven days along with your juicing, garlic, cloves and Paul d'Arco tea treatments.
Length of Treatment
There is no set time frame for eliminating parasites from your body. You may have certain symptoms such as a lack of energy or diarrhea. Some of these symptoms will start improving right away using home remedies. However, it could take you several months to rid your body of parasites.